Sunday, August 4, 2013

Breakthrough in Gene Therapy

           Breakthrough In Gene Therapy = HOPE for Those With EB

After years of research, clinical and human trials, Dr Jakob Tolar, University of Minnesota, and his team, have finally made the breakthrough they have been working on, which is finding a way to allow those with Epidermolysis Bullosa, often referred to as EB, to be able to grow their OWN collagen VII protein.  This protein is what those with EB are genetically unable to create and is what allows our skin to adhere to itself.  This breakthrough in gene therapy gives HOPE for those with EB that soon they may also see the benefits of FINALLY being able to grow healthy, durable skin.

Below is the article that focuses on Charlie and his journey through multiple  Bone Marrow Transplant's and the medical, personal, emotional, mental and financial highs and lows of his and his families journey.  Thank you to Charlie and his family, and all those who underwent this process before him, for having the courage and strength to make this journey which has made it possible for future generations of those with EB to finally have HOPE that their futures will not be filled with pain, bandage changes and everything that comes with having Epidermolysis Bullosa, which can also often be fatal.